Hi There I'm

Xuyang Zhang

Tech Evangelist + Full Stack Developer

I’m a Full Stack Developer that started as a Technical Implementation Consultant in End-User Computing Field.

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Author's memoji figure behind a laptop

About Me

I'm Xuyang Zhang, a professional Software Engineer located in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a serious desire for creating functional software products that will solve critical business problems, and great passion towards creating intuitive, dynamic user experience.

I stared my career in VMware as a Software Consultant in the End User Computing business, helping enterprise clients with their Digital Transformation initiatives, by implementing and adopting VMware Workspace ONE product suite, managing iOS, Android, Windows, macOS endpoints. During this time, I also built serveral in house tools for the Professional Services department leveraging no-code solutions, including Power Automate, PowerApps, etc. That's when it sparked my desire to brush up my software development skills, because although no-code development is great and promising, it is also limited, and sometimes certain workflow requires complicated design that simply cannot be achieved using no-code solutions.

Being a diligent, hardworking and result-oriented person, I always work towards achieving best result on project I lay my hands on.

Author's memoji figure waving hand to greet

My Skills

Author's memoji figure with a thumb up

Front End

Author's memoji figure doing a fist bump

Back End

Author's memoji figure with a body guesture of thinking



My Portfolio

People Eatery Site Screenshot
People Eatery Digital Menu
GitHub Deployed Version
Reddit Data Dive Screenshot
Reddit Data Dive
GitHub Deployed Version
Weather Dashboard Screenshot
Weather Dashboard
GitHub Deployed Version
Workday Scheduler Screenshot
Workday Scheduler
GitHub Deployed Version
Password Generator Screenshot
Password Generator
GitHub Deployed Version
Portfolio Item 6 Screenshot
Portfolio Item 6
GitHub Deployed Version

Connect with Xuyang

Author's memoji figure with a call me hand sign